Rob is an enthusiast of all backyard DIY projects. He has spent many years researching, learning, and building. From a backyard shed to a garden pond, Rob will have done it!

How Much Sun Does a Greenhouse Need

Greenhouses need sun. How much sun they need depends on the greenhouse. Some greenhouses don’t need a lot of sun while others do. The amount…


How Small Can a Garden Pond Be

Think you don’t have enough room for a garden pond? Think again! Even the smallest of gardens can accommodate a pond. Let’s take a look…


How to humanely get rid of the mice and rats in your shed

Mice and rats can be a real nuisance in the shed, especially during the winter months. They can damage your belongings, eat through your stored…


Does a Greenhouse Need a Permit

Do you need a permit to build a greenhouse? This is a question that many people have, and the answer isn’t always clear. If you…


Does a Greenhouse Need a Heater: Gardening Solutions

As the temperatures start to drop, you may be wondering if you need to install a heater in your greenhouse. After all, you want to…


Why Do Plants Grow Faster in a Greenhouse than Outside

If you’ve ever grown plants, you know that they grow faster in a greenhouse than outside. But why is that? What’s the difference between growing…


Are Greenhouses Worth It or Just A Waste of Money

Greenhouses have been becoming more and more popular recently. They’re a great way to grow your own plants, fruits, and vegetables, and can be a…


How to Get Rid of Aphids in a Greenhouse

Aphids are tiny, sap-sucking pests that can cause extensive damage to plants. Greenhouses are especially vulnerable to aphid infestations, as the warm and moist environment…


Should a BBQ Be Covered or Left to Face The Weather

Whether you’re a backyard BBQ enthusiast or a professional pit master, one question always comes up: should your smoker or BBQ grill be covered? There…


Can A BBQ Grill Get Wet and still be ok to use

Summertime is the perfect time for BBQing. There’s something about cooking food outdoors that just seems to make it taste better. But what happens if…